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A.    Article

What Are Articles?

Articles are words that define a noun as specific or unspecific, a or an means sebuah.

There are three article, they are:

1.    An

Article an is used for the vowel sound. Its mean that if you find the vowel sound (A,I,U,E,O) please use an. (Article an digunakan untuk bunyi vokal. Artinya, jika anda bertemu dengan bunyi A,I,U,E,O tolong gunakan an).

Example: an apple, an orange and etc

2.    A

Article a is used for the consonant sound. Its mean that if you find the consonant sound (B, C, D, F, ……etc) please use a(Article a digunakan untuk bunyi konsonan. Artinya, jika anda bertemu dengan bunyi konsonan  B, C, D, F, ……dan seterusnya tolong gunakan a).

Example: a handphone, a glass, a cup of tea and etc.

3.    The

Article the is used for all of the vowel and consonant sound but if you find the vowel sound please say di and if u find the consonant sound please say de. (Article the digunakan untuk semua bunyi vokal dan konsonan tetapi jika anda bertemu dengan bunyi vokal maka haris dibaca di dan jika anda bertemu dengan bunyi konsonan harus dibaca de).

Example: the apple, the orange and etc

Example: the handphone, the glass, the cup of tea and etc.

Please do the 1st DAILY EXAM below in a piece of paper, then collect on Thursday, March 18th 2021 when face to face in the classroom (kerjakan soal ULANGAN HARIAN dibawah ini dikertas selembar, kemudian kumpulkan pada hari Kamis 18 Maret 2021 ketika tatap muka di kelas)





Please complete the word below with article a or an and meaning Indonesia!

example: an Orange (sebuah Jeruk)

1. ............Honeydew                    

2. ............Ocean

3. ............Uniform

4. ............Umbrella

5. ............ Island

6. ............White Board

7. ............Hour

8. ............Floor

9. ............Hometown

10. ..........Country     
